Miners.de information


Miners.de is a mining company based in the Netherlands. Mining hardware can be purchased from the company, which can be operated directly by the Miners.de team on request. The company is aimed at private individuals and other institutions.


The company 100% takes care of the installation and maintenance of your mining system. As a customer, all you need is to use your wallet safely. The website is available in multiple languages as well as in German and is therefore easy to use. The company's FAQ answer all the important questions.

Questions & answers

We have summarized the most important questions and answers about this provider for you and tried to answer them.

Is Miners.de legitimate?

We have not yet heard any statements to the contrary from users. Whether the topic of mining is fundamentally profitable or not does not depend on the operator of the devices or the platform. The company's website not only offers an imprint but even telephone support.