Data protection

The public website

» Cookies and Tracking Codes

We do not use cookies or integrate third party codes in the public area of ​​this website.

» Server log files

Our server is operated in Germany (Frankfurt) on the Amazon esc2 cloud and anonymously stores the IP address of a user each time it is accessed. We cannot carry out any personal analyzes of our users with this data. We only analyze the following data:

» External links

External links are marked with a ➯. We assume no liability for the content linked by us. Since most of the external links on this website are affiliate links, this is usually done the storage of one or more cookies by external providers. We have no influence on this content or on their data processing.

Review form

To protect our systems, we save your IP address when you send a review. We need this information to protect our systems and to maintain the integrity of our data. After approval or rejection of a review the IP address will be deleted from our system. If the information is still available in the backups, it will be overwritten and thus deleted within 30 days.

The IP address of a normal visitor is not stored in any relational database or used.