Meatec information


The Georgia-based mining provider Meatec offers to operate mining equipment for its customers. You have to buy the devices from the provider first. Meatec then operates the system for its customers and assists with the basic configuration. In contrast to a cloud mining provider, you ultimately own the mining device.


Orders are placed as with an online shop, but setting the equipment up later requires some experience in dealing with mining. Meatec support is usually available.


With Meatec, you operate your own hardware and if you wish, you can use it to switch to another cryptocurrency, depending on the device.


You need to have some experience with the subject of mining. In addition, the risk of ultimately making a loss when mining is very high. Depending on the currency, a rapid decline in value is a problem here.

Questions & answers

We have summarized the most important questions and answers about this provider for you and tried to answer them.

What does Meatec have to do with StakeCube?

The masternode and staking portal StakeCube offers mining services via Meatec on its website. You can buy the mining services at StakeCube with the help of the SCC Coin. With this offer, StakeCube is creating another use case for its coin and Meatec is selling mining services. Every device can be viewed at StakeCube.

Where is the Meatec company located?

According to the imprint, the company can be found here: Service provider MeaTec LLC, 2 Chavchavadze ave 2 Kekelidze ave, Tbilisi, Georgia, 0128

However, we were already in contact with a German support team.

Is Meatec reputable?

Our research did not reveal any negative information about the operator or the service. So far, we can classify the provider as reputable.