Negative Infinity Hash reviews

5 of 5

11 Reviews


Infinity Hash is rated with 5 stars on a scale of 1-5. That is the result of 11 experience reports. The average rating of Mining providers on Crypto Review is 4 stars. All Mining providers reviews are currently composed of 12 experience reports. We have also put together Infinity Hash alternatives for you.

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Infinity Hash Review #2

Negative experience by Kiddycat on 15.04.2024 1 of 5

a great team of crooks I lost tens of thousands of euros. materiels envoyé les machine fonctionne pour leur profit et il vous dise quelles sont eteinte. il vole votre argent. ces gens doivent aller en prison ne vous faites pas avoir. ils meritent la prison. jai perdu toutes mes economies. mettant en danger ma santé personnel et celle de ma famille. ils se cache et ne donne pas leur identité.

Infinity Hash Review #1

Negative experience by Francis cabrel on 11.04.2024 1 of 5

Very very bad expérience. They Stollen me for 40 000 euros of miners. They are scammer !!! Don't trust them anymore. I ll take an international lawyer and put them in jail.

They send you a lot of invoice, the miner are always offline. They take the money and never get back.