Brave Browser information


The idea behind the Brave Browser came from none other than Brendan Eich, himself the inventor of JavaScript and co-founder of Mozilla and Firefox. With the Brave Browser, he is pursuing the goal of promoting a counterpoint to the “broken web” and making it suitable for the masses. In order to protect the user from annoying advertising and cookie tracking, Brave relies on a digital blockchain solution with the crypto currency BAT, which is also becoming increasingly popular with publishers.


Basically, one can say that the Brave Browser can be operated in exactly the same way as any other browser. If you want, you can set your data protection settings here in great detail.


The advantage lies in the privacy settings and the Brave Attention Token. Users and website operators earn tokens with the Brave Browser.


Basically, there are no major disadvantages compared to other browsers.

Questions & answers

We have summarized the most important questions and answers about this provider for you and tried to answer them.

Are there instructions for the Brave Browser?

Yes, in the meantime many YouTubers have made the effort to provide instructions. There are hundreds of free instructions (also in German) on the YouTube platform.

Does the Brave Browser also work on the Mac?

Yes, the Brave Browser is now fully available for all common operating systems.

Can I switch the Brave Browser to German?

In the past you had to do this manually, today the browser automatically recognizes the language in the operating system and is therefore immediately set to German.