Neutral reviews

4 of 5

7 Reviews

Summary: is rated with 4 stars on a scale of 1-5. That is the result of 7 experience reports. The average rating of Wallets on Crypto Review is 4 stars. All Wallets reviews are currently composed of 7 experience reports. We have also put together alternatives for you.

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Neutral experience by Robert on 23.11.2020 3 of 5

My article is about the iOS app. This wallet is the first that I have ever downloaded when I bought the first BTC.

How did I find out about the provider?

I googled Bitcoin Wallet months ago and I found this wallet. I also looked at others, but I was confused by the amount of coins. So I found this slim app very useful.

What expectations did I have of the provider and were I satisfyed

My expectation was that I would want an easy-to-understand wallet where I can secure Bitcoin and Ethereum. Of course, these expectations came true.

What did I particularly like?

When you deal with crypto for the first time you feel completely overwhelmed. First you look for the simplest ways to look through. The app is very clear thanks to its five crypto currencies. In addition, you are directly advised to save your backup phrase in order not to lose your BTC If you lose the App, or our mobile. In addition, the app is secured with a PIN or face recognition and, if desired, with a 2FA, which gives a feeling of security.

What could the provider do better?

Please implement more coins. I only have a few BTC shares on the wallet because I have switched to a multi-signature wallet on which I can hold significantly more coins. I would also be thrilled if the app had a dark mode, even if that really doesn't affect my rating.

Would I recommend the provider to a friend? If yes / no, why?

I would recommend the app at any time, especially if someone is new to cryptospace.

Conclusion: would I use the provider again? If yes / no, why?

Since I'm more advanced now, I don't think so. I transfered all my Coins away to my other wallet