Opinions de Dent

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Avis 1


Pour Dent, 1 avis ont été recueillis à ce jour. Ces opinions ne sont pas des recommandations d'investissement mais le point de vue de la communauté sur Dent. Veuillez ne pas prendre de décision d'achat sur la base de ces opinions Dent.

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Nous attendons avec impatience une évaluation honnête et authentique de cette crypto-monnaie.

#1 avis Dent

Expérience négatif envoyé par Anonyme le 30.11.2020 2 sur 5

Dent (DENT) is a 2014 project that aims to port old existing telecommunications networks to the block chain. In concrete terms, the aim was to create a marketplace for telecommunications and its data. The data exchange is financed with the utility token DENT internally on the block chain. A maximum number of 100 billion DENT are planned for the ecosystem.

The telecommunications industry is a globally interwoven collection of many telecommunications companies, which want to develop new market segments with ever newer methodologies. Therefore it was only a matter of time that this project would try to open a gap in the block chain.

Away from the technical aspect to the current market situation:
Even if the ambitions may seem big, this is unfortunately not reflected in the market capitalisation of only $21 million and a price at hundredths of a cent per DENT. Thus, the project unfortunately only ranks in the lower ranks of the coinmarket cap and thus outside the interest of many crypto investors.